Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi
nicolò cesa-bianchi
Professor of Computer Science

Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Milano

DEIB, Politecnico di Milano

Room 7007
via Celoria 18
20133 Milano, Italy
Phone:   +39-02-503-16280
Email:   nicolo.cesa-bianchi  [at]
  • Design and analysis of machine learning algorithms for prediction, clustering, and online decision-making.
  • Algorithms for multiarmed bandit problems, with applications to online markets.
  • Graph analytics, with applications to social networks and bioinformatics.
LAILA Laboratory for AI and Learning Algorithms


Perdition, burning, and flames (a hell of a book)

BOOST 2024

MALT 2024

ELLIS Board member, Fellow and co-director of the Milan ELLIS unit
Corresponding member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

The European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI (ELSA)
The European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability (ELIAS)
The FAIR foundation

Associate editor for: TheoretiCS

Statistical Methods for Machine Learning (since 2009)
2023-24 edition

Reinforcement Learning (since 2023)

Complementi di Algoritmi e Strutture Dati
(dal 2016, anni alterni)

Teoria dei Grafi (dal 2019, anni alterni)

Lecture notes: